Tuesday, December 31, 2013


NYE! One of my most favorite nights of the year. Its all about new beginnings. Starting over fresh.
There have been some instances in that I have had a few too many drinks on my birthday (the night before) and so I did not enjoy NYE as much.  But, now, my life has changed for the better. Its not about going out and partying anymore. It's about enjoying some time catching up with friends then getting home in time to watch the ball drop snuggled up in a blanket with a cheap bottle of champagne and enjoying the extra day off with Duchess. 

This area is supposed to get a good sized snow storm tomorrow so it will be a good day to lay around, watch the Rose Parade & Rose Bowl and put together her new bouncer. 

Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2014 is prosperous and joyous for us all. 
(And the Tigers can go ahead and win the World Series... that'd be cool too.) 

Monday, December 30, 2013


Why is it that after a certain point in life we no longer care for birthdays? I used to make it a point to get a new outfit, get my hair done, and have a pedicure. Now, not so much. I am literally in my 30's. Ew. Seriously, I had hoped I would have a lot more things panned out by now. But, we can only do what we can do. Here's hoping my 30's are as good as my 20's were but in different ways.  

Monday, December 16, 2013

WOW! That's a Legit Santa!

OK.  Sooooo, I may have slightly, kinda, sorta... ruined Christmas for a few small children (while waiting in line for the Duchess to meet Santa for the first time) this past Sunday.

may have explained to my BFF Cakes and her Hubby B11 (they came to wait in line with us), about a story my other BFF Tiff, texted me the day before. Tiff asked my opinion about something her 8 year old son said to her about Christmas and Santa Claus. You see, it is his impression that she just "puts his gifts under the tree every year and eats the cookies he leaves out."

He then went on to say that he "will know this year FOR SURE if Santa is real or not because there is one specific thing he really wants and ONLY Santa knows what it is." Scary right? I have NO idea what I would say to that.  And that is exactly what I told her. We spent like an hour trying to plot via text message how to accidentally get it out of him... and then we realized:  what if it's something completely ridiculous??

I, being a new Mommy, have not yet experienced these predicaments. So, being fascinated with what my future holds, I went on to tell the WHOLE STORY to Cakes and B11 in what Cakes calls my "outside voice." Right there, while waiting in line... to see Santa... surrounded by children... diligently waiting with their adorable handwritten Christmas lists in tow.... 

I am a terrible person... Me and Cakes wanted to DIE. I just wanted to silently grab my things and my kid, get out of line, and get the hell out of that Mall. ASAP.
But, we had already waited nearly an hour and were on the Red Carpet! 

Sorry bunch of people I don't know, we are waiting this one out! 
We tried to re-assure ourselves that most of those kids weren't even listening to us... right?

So, here we are! Finally at the finish line! The Duchess is about to meet Santa Claus for the very first time! 

Let me tell you, this guy was serious about his job. I handed her to him and he placed her on his knee and asked how old she was. I responded "5 months old and (obviously) this is her first Christmas." 

And do you know what he said in true make-me-a-believer, straight-out-of-the-Miracle-on-34th-Street-Macy's-Santa fashion? He said so beautifully, "Well you know, the very first Christmas' are extra special for Santa. It's all the other Christmas' after that, that are special for the children. Merry Christmas, Emerson."  

Umm. At this point, I may cry right  now. Standing here. Talking to the Mall Santa. Then Cakes says, out loud, in her outside voice, "WOW! THAT'S A LEGIT SANTA!!" 

Ps. Duchess didn't even blink an eye. Not one tear. Not scared in the least. Very lady-like, indeed!

Friday, December 13, 2013

12 Shopping Days Left!

With only 12 shopping days left, I am D.O.N.E. Christmas shopping. 

AND all without stepping foot one time in a Wally World. Take that Wally World! I have recently stopped shopping at the aforementioned store because:

A. There isn't one very close to my house.  The closest one is on Central Ave. surrounded by some of the WORST traffic nightmares most anytime of day. It could be 2:30 on a Tuesday and you will still sit in stopped traffic on that overpass. But that's not the only reason why...

B. I know several people who work for this Company. Do I need to go on? (There is something about making a 70+ yr old woman work a 12 hour shift on Christmas Eve that just grates my damn nerves. But, I digress.)

C. Every time I step foot in there, I wait in an endless line where there are 27 open lanes but only 3 have a cashier...

I have found that the two Target locations near my home offer just as low prices on the important things I would need from a store of that nature (cleaning supplies, dog food, etc). And with very few traffic nightmares.

This past week I was home for 3 days with a bad cold. Duchess had the sniffles too and sprouted her 2nd tooth, which makes for a rather unhappy little Princess.  So, I found some time to online shop in between naps, bottles, and runs to the microwave to warm up my tea. 

Now, all I can hope for is that the stuff I bought actually makes to my house in time for Christmas... 

Friday, December 6, 2013


Last night, for the first time since the late 50's, NBC broadcast a performance of The Sound of Music Live. Carrie Underwood was starring as Maria.  In my opinion, IT WAS GLORIOUS. Finally something on network television that isn't a cartoon! Don't get me wrong, I will forever love A Charlie Brown Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and A Wish For Wings That Work <----- A CLASSIC. (If you have not seen this one, you're seriously missing out.) 

But, finally, it was like watching a cultural television event. Ok, ok, Carrie Underwood is a country singer from Oklahoma. And the actor who played Captain Von Trapp is on HBO's True Blood (which is a show about Vampires).  But they were wonderful. If you can get past the slightest of southern accents and just appreciate it for what it was, it was breathtaking. It looked like millions of people were watching it along with us, because my Twitter feed was blowing up with the hash-tag #SOML. 

The entire performance was live. It was like watching a real musical, only on TV! You could sing every word to every song and remember the lines of some of the ones you'd forgotten over the years. 

Even my sister made her kids sit down with her and watch it. It can be tough for a 9 year old and a 3 year old to appreciate a musical. We were texting back and forth through it and she told me that although it started a little slow (as most musicals do), once the Von Trapp children came on screen, they became more into it. 

Duchess and I normally head over to our neighbor's house (and friend) to watch Grey's Anatomy on Thursday nights.  She and her husband are also the god-send, that watch my daughter while I'm at work. While picking up Duchess yesterday, I asked her if she was going to be watching .... and I assumed she thought I was going to say Grey's but instead she finished my sentence with "THE SOUND OF MUSIC?!" It was hilarious! I brought hot chocolate fixings and we made a night out of it.

Its my understanding that NBC is hoping that this production will become a holiday staple and run every year as many holiday staples do, for years and years to come (Frosty, Charlie, Rudolph, A Christmas Story, Nat'l Lampoon's Christmas Vacation).  I hope it does. I want to have this tradition with my daughter, sing those songs, and drink hot chocolate. 

Golf-clap to NBC. Well done!

Master of the Blog Universe

I'm still learning all of this interesting bloggy goodness. I must not be as computer-savvy as I thought I was because I have no clue about HTML, formatting and setting up a blog to look like one of those fancy ones people have. 

Its mostly a way for me to get out of my own head for a few minutes. With that being said, I hope you all can still find something worth reading about here. And if you have any tips feel free to let help a girl out! 

A. I want to add a list of bloggers to follow.
B. I want to make it prettier.
C. I don't know how to add videos or links to other pages. 



Thursday, December 5, 2013

First Tooth

Yesterday, The Duchess turned 5 months old.  As you can see, she's very happy about it! 

We put up our Christmas Tree and she seemed to enjoy the lights.  Later on I gave her, her nightly bath (she LOVES baths) and while getting her PJ's on, she grabbed my finger like she often does to put in her mouth.  This time she bit down harder than usual and wouldn't you know it?! She cut her first tooth! (The left front bottom one - if you were wondering.) 

She is still intently trying to roll all the way over on her belly. She is getting really close but hasn't gotten all the way there yet. I cannot tell you how much I adore this little girl. She's so funny and her laughs are infectious. Baby laughs are simply, the best thing ever.  

She has started to eat more and sleeps really well through the night although we are still working on sleeping in her crib...  Boy, is that stressful. 

She smiles all the time and seems to be just the happiest little thing. 

Everyone says time flies by and to enjoy all the little things that are happening everyday because they go by way too fast.  I get sad to think that soon she will have a mouth full of teeth, and eat pizza and hate her vegetables.  And that someday she will be a teenager... dun dun dun. (Yes, Mother, Pay back is a bitch. haha!)

I love this kid. She's made my life complete. I am excited for the future and all the milestones to come. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Manners and Common Decency

OK. I may not be the most polite of women sometimes. I may not always mind my P's & Q's. I may curse like a sailor on occasion. But, I have never been so utterly annoyed with the common decency of most people in my whole life, as I was while trying to get home from the airport the other night.

Duchess blowing bubbles at people at the Airport 

Me and Duchess were traveling on our own home from my Sister's this past weekend. Our flight was cancelled and we had to be re-routed on another airline to Detroit.  I was actually not upset by this. No harm, no foul. It couldn't get me down - I just had a great weekend with my family and it was a straight-shot flight. We will hunker down here, eat some kick-ass BBQ Chicken Nachos at Jim n' Nicks (YESSSS!) and wait out our next flight.  Everything went swimmingly. Duchess was a perfect angel. People stopped us on the way off the plane to tell us how perfect she was. I thought, "Wow, some people are really nice!"

Hold that thought.

Upon leaving to find my parked car, I realize that we are in a completely different area of the airport. No where near where my car is parked.

So after wandering around the wrong parking deck for over 20 minutes, I asked a guy who worked there and he told me we needed to find our way back up the elevator, and out to the street and wait for a Shuttle to take us back to the other Terminal. As we waited in the cold for about 25 more minutes, many more people arrived to take the Shuttle as well.

When the Shuttle finally showed up, everyone pushed passed me to get on first. Not one offer to help get on the bus or help with the stroller or our luggage, nothing. One guy even jumped right in front of me while I was waiting my turn in line to get on. Like, literally, walked right in front of my stroller to hurry up and get on first. As spoken by Stephanie Tanner of Full House: "HOW RUDE!!" (I mean, its not like we weren't ALL ready to get home. Especially, the woman with an infant who was standing in the freezing cold for the last 25 mins. But sure, please, hurry up and get on. We wouldn't want to hold you up, Dude.)  

We finally got home around 11:00 p.m. 

I may not be the kindest, most helpful person on occasion, but I was raised better than to watch someone struggle and not even offer to help them get on a bus! I hold doors for people every time I come in or out of one.  I say please and thank-you. I always tip well.  It is even still ingrained in me to reply with "yes ma'am" or "no sir" from my formative years living in the South.  

I intend to teach my daughter better manners than that.  

It is true what they say: people are way nicer down south...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Rice Cereal

The Duchess will be 5 months next week. Her pediatrician advised that we could start to give her Rice Cereal as an alternative to formula. This way she can learn to eat with utensils.   THIS IS SO EXCITING! I get to FEED her? With a spoon?? YESSSS!  This was the result:

Is that not the cutest thing you've EVER seen? I mean... seriously, she's adorable. But, I'm biased.  If you're wondering, I am not sure she actually swallowed any of the cereal. But, we will keep working on it.

(SN: she HATES her crib. Talk about stressful...)

(FYI: She is wearing her THE Ohio State University onesie. GO BUCKS!! BEAT THAT TEAM FROM UP NORTH!)

Turkey and Football


My sister doesn't care much for it. She isn't really a fan of Turkey. But since her family moved into their new home - she gets to be the honorary host for Thanksgiving and Christmas and with it being The Duchess' first holidays, well, we can't miss them.  Also, my (little) brother is moving off on to bigger things in Nash-vegas, so I would like to be there to wish him luck and see him off.

I cannot remember the last time I ate Thanksgiving Dinner with my parents and my siblings.  Living 12 hrs away makes holidays more of a pick-one-or-the-other kind of thing.  And so, Thanksgiving is normally not on the list of Holidays I choose to travel. But, my Grandmother has gone back to work at Wally-World and will be unavailable.  So, off we go! 

Duchess and I are going to attempt to fly. And of course, a massive Nor'easter is heading toward the East Coast. THANK GOD WE ARE NOT DRIVING. We would have never gotten there. 

Anyways, If you're reading this MOM & SISTER - green bean casserole better be on the menu... And the Lions game and the Parade on TV! This is so exciting! Food and football and family. 

I could get used to this. 

Cant wait to see you all! XOXO

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Musically Inclined

I have always had a passion for music. My sister, brother and I were started young reciting music trivia in the car to 104.7 WIOT (a CLASSIC, classic rock station).  We have young parents. I love Led Zeppelin, GNR, and Queen. I could sing the words to nearly every classic rock song that comes on the radio.  My first concert was Seven Mary Three at the timeless (and now extinct) Party in the Park, Downtown Toledo when I was 12.  Mister Big's Just to Be With You stands out as one all four of us used to belt out while driving to the Helminski's to go out tubing on the Maumee River.  Classic rock, a boat, and the river just go together. That was my childhood. 

Ah, the 90's. Grunge and stoner-hippy-esque jam bands. I will always love Pearl Jam and Nirvana. My era. A bucket list item of mine is to see Dave Matthews Band with my Sister and my Mom, outside somewhere in the Summertime. 

Thanks to my Mom, her awesome taste in music (80's hair bands were her era) and her stay-young attitude have stuck with me (with all three of us).  My brother started a band with some of his best buddies back when he was in high school.  They played lots of shows and had a great following. He's now moving off to Nashville, the Music City, to try his hand at bar ownership.  

My sister and I are not living in The Music City or doing anything musically related, but it shows out in who we are as people. We were brought up to be strong and have fun first and not take shit from people. We never turn down the opportunity to go to a concert really of any kind.  
I was thinking today, how lucky I am to have been given the best gift - siblings. I cannot think what my life would be like without them. They are truly, my best friends.  We have the same dumb sense of humor. The same no-bullshit way of dealing with people. And a love of music (and sports) that is not comparable to anything I have ever known in anyone else.  

So, thanks Mom. Really, thank-you. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

4 Months

Yesterday, The Duchess turned a whooping 4 months old. It sure did fly right by. I start to tear up just discussing this so, I will make today's blog post quick...

She gets funnier everyday. She, in the past two weeks, started to laugh and the most funny part is that they almost sound stuck sometimes - more of a chuckle.  I have learned that once a baby starts laughing, grown men will dance around the house flapping their arms about and making the goofiest of faces as much as possible - just to make it happen again. 

I have realized how fast babies really do grow out of clothing. I've already filled one whole Tupperware Bin with just NB and 0-3 outfits. And now I will have to start filling up one with 3-6 months.

We have now had our first real holiday, Halloween.  We just passed out candy but I dressed her in a glow-in-the-dark skeleton shirt and she of course wore my favorite bow on her head. Starting traditions with an infant is kind of silly, but I am determined to have family traditions that we make lasting memories out of. My friend invited us to a little Halloween Parade that I hope will become a yearly tradition and since she has a baby boy who is only a month younger than Duchess, we can watch them grow up and be friends too.

This week, I will be preparing the house and The Duchess to start sleeping in her own room. Frankly, I have been dragging my feet to get started.  Mainly because I nurse her at night still and I'm so tired that its basically laziness on my part. Let's be honest, to have to walk another 5 steps to her room at 3 a.m. seems like a lot of work...

My friend says "REPEAT:  I LOVE BEING A MOM."  Its our joke for whenever motherhood seems to be getting us down.  Like the thought of putting on a bathing suit next year after looking at myself in the mirror currently... Let's face it, the girls aint looking like they used to. Its a hard pill to swallow.  The lack of sleep makes for some truly awesome dark bags under my eyes.  But on the bright-side I was lucky enough to lose all my baby weight very fast.  Good genes, I guess. Thanks, Mom and Dad.  I suppose I should relish the fact that I can fit in my size 4 skinny's again because if there is ever another munchkin in the future - I can probably kiss them good-bye.  A small price to pay, I guess. 

Its really hard to fathom that in just 4 more months The Duchess will probably be scooting around and crawling, trying to say her first words and eating Cheerios.  I will try to take in as much of the now, as I can. I don't ever want to forget what that first laugh sounded like. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

C'mon Man!

(I also LOVE baseball - baseball IS my first love...) 

I guess I just love sports in general. I will watch whatever Golf Tournament is on TV and catch the day's highlights - especially if Tiger's playing. Regardless of his antics, he brings something to that sport that no one else brings. Competition.  I can watch the last 40 laps of a NASCAR race and undoubtedly route for Dale Jr. (I don't care what y'all think).  I bought a specific type of cable TV brand so that I could watch every single Detroit Tiger's game (162 + post-season).

But football, football brings a certain Sunday flair. (Or Saturday. Or Monday. And now Thursday nights too, if you have NFL network).  It means Fall, and chili, and comfy hoodies and jeans. Its the Lions and Packers on Thanksgiving, I love Thanksgiving. 

I desperately wanted a boy at first because I wanted Football Fridays (in high school) and Maumee Little League baseball games at Ford Field. I thought that because of my tom-boyish nature that I wouldn't know how to raise a little girl. 

I was watching CBS News this morning.  They did a piece on the lack of women's rights in Saudi Arabia and portrayed how women are punished, beaten and jailed for just wanting the right to drive a vehicle.  They interviewed a man who when asked how he felt about women having the right to drive, replied "I think its unnecessary! What would they do if they got a flat tire?!"

I was blown away. Is the world still FLAT? It made me terribly sad that I have a little girl who is still going to grow up in a World where in this day and age, there are still men who think women cant figure out how to change a tire (OR at least call a tow company to come change it)! Or think for themselves. Or make the same amount of money as they do - or in Saudi Arabia, even be allowed to have a job or an education at all!

So, now that I have a little girl, I hope she gets to have a little sister.  And I hope they play sports with the boys. And get dirty. And drive cars. And watch football. And drink beer, someday if they want to. If they want to be ballerinas or cheerleaders or football kickers - DO IT.

This goes for my girl(s) and my niece(s) and all little girls. I hope you try things. Be daring. Be strong. You are capable. 

"Scout" the Slugger

(Duchess, I will support you, no matter what.)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Baby Gibberish

The Duchess is now nearly 4 months old.  And over the last several maybe 4-5 days, she has been just talking away. Baby gibberish has to be the cutest damn thing I have ever heard. I am convinced that if I could understand her, she would have the answer to this whole mess with Congress.  She is also tracing me as I walk by her, she smiles incessantly and I don't think I have ever in my life seen a more beautiful toothless person.  
Go Tigers!
Recently, a very close friend of mine lost his father suddenly.  The family is a Maumee staple and their father even coached my softball team one year.  Another year, his middle daughter who, I graduated High School with (and a very good friend of mine to this day) tried to throw me out at third base leaving a very nice scar after eight stitches.  He was a truck driver for UPS, a member of the union and married to his wife for 36 years. There were hundreds of people at the showing. 

 Duchess and I stopped up to give my friend, his mother, and sisters, a big hug.  What do you say to people you've known most of your life, when something like this happens? The same thing the hundreds of other people have told them for the last week -- "Your father was a great guy." My heart just aches for them.  

Summer 2007
My friend wanted to introduce Duchess to his mother, who hadn't yet met her.  I waited with my friend for a few minutes while she finished her conversation with some of the other attendees, then walked up to say hello and express how sorry I was.  Looking very tired and heartbroken, his mother noticed right away that this was my new addition and she perked up a bit.  And then it happened.  Duchess in all her glory, looked right at my friend's mother and smiled the biggest toothless grin and laughed at her. As if to say, "I came here to try to cheer you up!" I think his mom really appreciated it and he even shed a smile for a minute.  She made sure to tell me that this is the really fun part, and to make sure I enjoy it.  I don't know if its selfish to think this or not, but after leaving I felt a little bit better.  That maybe, just maybe for 30 seconds, my baby brought some joy to those poor people.  

Mrs. Wampler, I will do my very best to enjoy it. And I will think of you and your family often. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Duchess of Crestwood makes her royal debut.

Emerson Rose came into my life on July 4, 2013. Yes, she's a little "firecracker". Yes, she has a full head of dark hair. And, yes, she's seems very long and will probably be tall. (Can you tell we hear that a lot?)  My pregnancy mirrored that of Prince William and Kate's, we were even in the hospital on the same exact day for severe morning sickness.  The Prince, whom I've adored since I was a kid, (we are the same age you know!) said it best -- "They shouldn't call it morning sickness, when it's actually ALL DAY AND NIGHT SICKNESS!" Seriously, that's a true story. I spent the whole day in the hospital hooked up to fluids because I literally couldn't keep anything down. Do you know what is worse than having morning sickness all day everyday? Getting the FLU on top of it... Yea. That happened to me... I have never missed so much work in all my life. But the nickname for my little addition was then set, as all nicknames for baby bumps in this family are given by my Mother (Bo, Chocolate Bunny, and The Duchess). Thanks, Mom.

Once I got past my first trimester, they say its smoother sailing. HA HA HA. Not for me... I was diagnosed with placenta praevia. Which is a semi-rare condition, in which the placenta sits low in the uterus - making it difficult for the baby to be born naturally because it blocks the exit door! (Sheesh. This can't get much worse can it? Oh, it can...)   My doctor told me that mine was not as serious as it could be and as I grew bigger, the placenta may act as a balloon and possibly move out of the way. So, that was actually something to be thankful for with my ever-expanding waste-line.

This is kind of what it looks like. (Thanks, Wikipedia.)
Placta prv.jpg

I was placed on bed rest until further notice. No nothing of any sort.... But, I needed to work and after 3 weeks or so, I coerced my doctor into allowing me back to work. I mean, for crying out loud, the hardest part of my day is the 2nd story walk-up. I sit at a desk and type all day... its not like I spend 16 hrs a day loading a truck or on the line at Jeep.

Things were actually going swimmingly for a while after that. I feeling much better, working everyday and getting the house ready for the new addition.  And then at 28 Weeks, I had an accident (who me??).  I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, obviously in the dark, and tripped over LuLu, my dog.

Tallulah Belle

I fell belly-first into the four-poster of my bed. Yikes. I was shaken but baby kind of kicked me back as if to say "Hey?! What the hell dude, I was sleeping!" I let the dog out, peed and went back to bed, not thinking anything of it.  I got up and went to work as usual. It wasn't until around 2:30 p.m. that I started not feeling... right.  I called my Doctor's Office fully expecting that they would just have me come in to be checked out - no harm, no foul. Boy, was I wrong. I was told to leave work, go straight to Toledo Hospital do not pass go. Do not collect $200.00. They told me when I got there that I was contracting every 2 mins. This was NOT good.  I had a battery of tests done over 5 days determining that I had an abruption somewhere, and that if I fully abrupted after leaving the hospital Emerson might die.

I was put on bed rest for the entirety of the pregnancy. Its was a long haul. I've been fully (overly) employed and/or going to school at the same time since I was 14.  I was NOT ready to be a bum for 3 months. Sitting around getting rounder and not contributing to the monthly bills. The day we made it full term was a very happy one.

On July 2nd, I contracted so badly that I could not get out of bed all day. I was in terrible pain and thought for sure I was in labor and that we were simply waiting for my water to break.  My due date was July 5th.  But as the hours came and went, so did my contractions. And even though severe, not as regular as full blown labor.  The next morning, I was feeling better. I thought I would go for a walk at the mall to try to move things along. I was DONE being pregnant. Everything hurts, not sleeping well, SO tired.  I stopped at the grocery store and grabbed some things to make tacos, then headed home to make dinner.  The night went normally. Still no baby. Not even contracting. Strange.

Then, 3 a.m. rolled around.  I got up extra carefully thinking I had to pee... My water broke! So I called my midwife, Donna.  Sleepily she told me to go ahead and head to St. Luke's Hospital. When we got there, there were no open rooms. I waited in a triage area from about 4:30 a.m. - 7:00 or so.  They were so busy that they even called in a special nurse just for us.  Her name was Stephanie. And to this day - I am so grateful for her. She deserves a special plaque and at least 3 gold stars and while were at it, a cookie!

I labored all day and all night and nothing. No progression. We even watched the Tigers Game on TV and the Maumee/Perrysburg Fireworks went off outside my window. Donna decided around 11 p.m. that it was time to try to move things along. The delivery was intense. It took a very long time, nearly 3 hours. Both the baby and I were exhausted. We were on oxygen and they shut my drugs off. Nothing worked.  She wouldn't come out. Finally, with only minutes to spare before I was whisked into surgery, Emerson was born.  7 lbs 4 oz 21 1/2 inches long. On the Fourth of July at 2:03 a.m. She never cried, only whimpered a few times.

Emmie, has proven to me what I have always known about myself. That having a baby was something I desperately needed in my life.  I would go as far to say, that she is most like her Aunt Sarah... (leggy, constantly late, and an incredibly SLOW eater.)

Emmie at 8 Weeks Old
Emerson Rose is the love of my life. Being a Mom has been intense to say the least. But I think waiting until I was 30 years old to start a family has given me some extra life experience to handle it better.