Friday, January 17, 2014

The Best Is Yet To Come.

A couple of months ago a friend of mine sent me a link for an open position within The Municipal Court for a recently elected Judge.

The Judge, was someone I had met previously while interning with the Ohio Attorney Generals office in College and even played softball with on occasion for The Legal Community Softball League in summers past.

It truly goes without saying that being involved with the community in your field of work can take you places. 

I am experienced, dedicated (most of the time), and smart and yet I was not overly sure of myself with regard to this interview. For crying out loud, I kinda knew the guy! But, still, as any interview is nerve-racking, this particular one was only 15 mins long and with a JUDGE for Pete's sake! 

A good girlfriend of mine who works in a similar position in County Court went way far out of her way (and so did several attorney friends) to help me in this endeavor and for that, there are not enough thank-you's in the world I could give.

 Interview Day in my new Blue Suit!

I went in for my interview and while waiting, was sitting surrounded by 2nd and 3rd year law students (this position was originally set up for them).  I took the advice of my BFF Cakes who told me to "just go in there and talk to him like you're having a beer after work. Be yourself. Be confident. You deserve this job. This is YOUR job."  

So, that's what I did. 

Today, I am happy to say that I have been offered the position. Nothing can ruin this day for me. Today is MY day! 

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