Yesterday, The Duchess turned a whooping 4 months old. It sure did fly right by. I start to tear up just discussing this so, I will make today's blog post quick...
She gets funnier everyday. She, in the past two weeks, started to laugh and the most funny part is that they almost sound stuck sometimes - more of a chuckle. I have learned that once a baby starts laughing, grown men will dance around the house flapping their arms about and making the goofiest of faces as much as possible - just to make it happen again.
I have realized how fast babies really do grow out of clothing. I've already filled one whole Tupperware Bin with just NB and 0-3 outfits. And now I will have to start filling up one with 3-6 months.
We have now had our first real holiday, Halloween. We just passed out candy but I dressed her in a glow-in-the-dark skeleton shirt and she of course wore my favorite bow on her head. Starting traditions with an infant is kind of silly, but I am determined to have family traditions that we make lasting memories out of. My friend invited us to a little Halloween Parade that I hope will become a yearly tradition and since she has a baby boy who is only a month younger than Duchess, we can watch them grow up and be friends too.
This week, I will be preparing the house and The Duchess to start sleeping in her own room. Frankly, I have been dragging my feet to get started. Mainly because I nurse her at night still and I'm so tired that its basically laziness on my part. Let's be honest, to have to walk another 5 steps to her room at 3 a.m. seems like a lot of work...

My friend says "REPEAT: I LOVE BEING A MOM." Its our joke for whenever motherhood seems to be getting us down. Like the thought of putting on a bathing suit next year after looking at myself in the mirror currently... Let's face it, the girls aint looking like they used to. Its a hard pill to swallow. The lack of sleep makes for some truly awesome dark bags under my eyes. But on the bright-side I was lucky enough to lose all my baby weight very fast. Good genes, I guess. Thanks, Mom and Dad. I suppose I should relish the fact that I can fit in my size 4 skinny's again because if there is ever another munchkin in the future - I can probably kiss them good-bye. A small price to pay, I guess.
Its really hard to fathom that in just 4 more months The Duchess will probably be scooting around and crawling, trying to say her first words and eating Cheerios. I will try to take in as much of the now, as I can. I don't ever want to forget what that first laugh sounded like.